Some cool china tooling make maker images:
Mission Impossible

Image by jurvetson
Hanging by its tail from the balcony roof. (best viewed large)
Costa Rica: Abolished its army to invest in education instead. Almost a carbon neutral country, as all of their electricity comes from hydro, wind and geothermal, and they planted 3 million trees last year. The forest coverage grew from 21% in 1987 to 52% today. They made a bet that ecotourism would be a better use of the land than cattle farming. And now it does earn more than cattle, bananas and coffee combined. And they are still the second largest banana producer in the world.
I was reading these stats in Stewart Brand’s new book, Whole Earth Discipline, while ensconced in the Guanacaste Forest he celebrates.
And how about the Costa Ricans?
They are the happiest people on Earth (NYT).
Here are some provocative quotes from Stewart Brand’s book – a eco-friendly pragmatist’s celebration of urbanization, nuclear energy and genetically modified organisms:
“Climate change. Urbanization. Biotechnology. Those three narratives, still taking shape, are developing a long arc likely to dominate this century.
In all societies from hunter-gatherers on up through agricultural tribes, then chiefdoms, to early complex civilizations, 25 percent of adult males routinely died from warfare… Humans perpetually fight because they always outstrip the carrying capacity of their natural environment and then have to fight over resources… Peace can break out, though, when carrying capacity is pushed up suddenly, as with the invention of agriculture…trade, or technological breakthroughs. Also a large-scale dieback from pestilence can make for peaceful times… With climate change under way… we face a carrying capacity crisis leading to war of all against all, this time with massively lethal weapons and a dieback measured in billions.
The United States and France have the highest birth rates in the developed world, just below replacement level. America does it with immigrants and churchgoers… France does it with socialism.
Fully 85 percent of the world’s working age youth, those between the ages of 15 and 24, live in the developing world.
Chernobyl: The real damage to people in the region is from poverty and mental stress. Fear of radiation is a far more important health threat than radiation itself. The zone’s evacuation put an end to industrialization, deforestation, cultivation and other human intrusions, making it one of Ukraine’s environmentally cleanest regions… The world’s worst nuclear power plant disaster is not as destructive to wildlife populations as are normal human activities. Even where the levels of radiation are highest, wildlife abounds. I predict there will be a Chernobyl National Park.
Nuclear energy has done more to eliminate existing nuclear weapons from the world than any other activity. …currently 10% of the electricity Americans use comes from Russian missiles and bombs.
Coal is now understood to be the long-term systemic horror we once thought nuclear was.
The environmental movement has done more harm with its opposition to genetic engineering than with any other thing we have been wrong about. We’ve starved people, hindered science, hurt the natural environment, and denied our own practitioners a crucial tool. We make ourselves look a conspicuously irrational as those who espouse ‘intelligent design’ or ban stem-cell research, and we teach that irrationality to the public and to decision makers.
As with nuclear, those who know the most are the least frightened.
By current estimates, 80% of the genes in microbes traveled horizontally at some point in their past. Parasitic plants and fungi swap genes spontaneously with their hosts. Virus-like genes represent a staggering 90% of the human genome.
Despite their best efforts to shut it down or ignore it, environmentalists gained more from the space program than anyone else, and sooner.
Ecosystem engineering is an ancient art, practiced and malpracticed by every human society since the mastery of fire.
A continental American population estimated to have been between 50 million and 100 million in 1491 was reduced to 6.5 million by 1650. It was the greatest cataclysm in human history; a fifth of the world’s population died. We think of it as a military event, but it was almost entirely biological.
China, a nation run by engineers rather than lawyers.
When Kevin Kelly was traveling in China in 2006, he found that every elementary school in every village had a sign over the door in Mandarin with the following guidance:
A-B – Bristol Street Directory 1775

Image by brizzle born and bred
Sketchley’s Bristol Directory 1775
1775 Albemarle Row, Hotwells…
1. Dupont, John
2. Speed, John, L.B.
3. Crook, ?, L.B.
4. Budge, Rev. Christopher
5. Raynous, Eliz., L.B.
7. Watkins, John, L.B.
7. Weaver, -, L.B.
1775 Aldridge Key Lane, recently Aldersquay Lane, Narrow Quay…
In the parish of St. Stephen. In 1696, Ebenezar Duddlestone lived here.
A corruption of the name “Aldworth”, from the fact that Alderman Aldworth caused a dock to be made here. It was filled up in 1687. The Lane was absorbed in the Co-operative Wholesale Society’s building about the year 1900.
1868 Bankruptcy is awarded and issued against James Milton, late of the sign of the King of Prussia, Aldersquay-Lane, in the City of Bristol.…
Blue Bell, (pub) Quay Lane (Alderskey Lane) 1775 Jacob Beer.
1. Davis, Elinor, widow, vict, King of Prussia (pub)
2. Cutler, John, carpenter
3. Powell, William, post-chaises to let
4. Powell, Mary, widow
5. Beer, Jacob, vict, Blue Bell (pub)
1775 Alexander’s Court, near Redcross Street, now demolished
Off Redcross Lane
1. Parker, John, sailcloth manufacturer
1775 Anchor Road see Rope Walk
1775 Ann Street
Built about 1711-12
8. Thompson, (malt-house)
18. Baker, John, baker
25. Spearing, William, vict, Duke of Devonshire
50. James, Charles, carpenter
1775 All Saints’ Lane
Corn Street to High Street market.
The Rummer mentioned below was a well-known inn. Formerly the Greene Lattis stood on or near this site as far back as 1241, and it appears to have been succeeded by the Abyndon, the New Inn, the Jonas, and finally the Rummer. It was demolished when the Exchange was erected in 1743, and afterwards the present Rummer was built on a portion of the site.
4. Taylor, Tho., Rummer Tavern
1775 Assembly Lane, now Assembly Rooms Lane
So called from its conmtiguity to the Assembly Rooms, Prince Street, which was once a fashionable concert hall, but is now used as a warehouse.
The Assembly Rooms, once a fashionable concert hall, resounding with the merry music of harp, sackbut, and psaltery, has long lost caste, and Cithara tollat curas, the inscription on the forehead of the building, is only suggestive of the sweet memories of its past experience.
1. Hobbs, James, mason and bricklayer
1775 Avenue, near St. James’s Square
1. Higgins, Elizabeth, vict, Trout
4. Weaver, Thomas, attorney and clerk to the justices of the counties of Gloucester and Somerset
5. Rock, ?
6. Fox, Mary
7. Cole, ?
1775 Avon Street, Temple
Built on ground originally the gardens and grounds of the Augustinian Friars. At No.7 lived Richard Trevett, the night constable, probably a decrepit ancient individual, in direct contrast to the sturdy policeman of today.
1. Ring, Robert, cooper
2. Prust, Thomas, captain of the John
3. Clements, John, mariner
5. Cannon, Jeremiah, taylor
6. Green, William, gent.
7. Trevett, Richard, Night Constable
8. Isaacs, Isaac, glass cutter and engraver
9. Spencer, Elizabeth, school-mistress
10. Bale, Rich, cooper and vict, Hart
12. Ward, Wm., vict and sailcloth weaver, Bell
13. Perry, Thomas, shoe-maker
14. Collins, John, excise officer
15. Cridland, Richard, flax-dresser
18. Prichard, Thomas, flax-dresser
19. Cannon, Lewis, warehouse-keeper
20. Parmiter, John, maltster
21. Podger, Thomas, Accountant
22. Wooles, Wm., cooper
25. Reynolds, Ann, widow
1775 Avon Street, Temple
Built on ground originally the gardens and grounds of the Augustinian Friars. At No.7 lived Richard Trevett, the night constable, probably a decrepit ancient individual, in direct contrast to the sturdy policeman of today.
1. Ring, Robert, cooper
2. Prust, Thomas, captain of the John
3. Clements, John, mariner
5. Cannon, Jeremiah, taylor
6. Green, William, gent.
7. Trevett, Richard, Night Constable
8. Isaacs, Isaac, glass cutter and engraver
9. Spencer, Elizabeth, school-mistress
10. Bale, Rich, cooper and victualler, Hart
12. Ward, Wm., victualler and sailcloth weaver, Bell
13. Perry, Thomas, shoe-maker
14. Collins, John, excise officer
15. Cridland, Richard, flax-dresser
18. Prichard, Thomas, flax-dresser
19. Cannon, Lewis, warehouse-keeper
20. Parmiter, John, maltster
21. Podger, Thomas, Accountant
22. Wooles, Wm., cooper
25. Reynolds, Ann, widow
1775 Back Lane: or, Back Church Lane, St. Michaels
1. Seed, William, gent.
1. Walker, Thomas
2. Bond, John, captain
3. Thomas, William, custom-house officer
1775 Back Lane As above; or perhaps at Bedminster or Redcliff
6. Reed, Sarah
7. Bernet, Peter, rigger
8. Lewis, Margaret
1775 Back Street Now Queen Charlotte Street
Back Street, running from Baldwin Street to King Street, was roughly parallel with the Welsh Back on the Floating Harbour and not far from the church of St. Nicholas.
King John is said to have had a mansion in what is now Queen Charlotte Street, overlooking beautiful gardens. It was re-named Queen Charlotte Street in 1885.
1. Lester, ?, vict, White Swan (pub) 1752 – 54 James Brookers / 1755 Edwin Dowdin.
3. White, Philip, glazier
4. Beaver, Sarah, cook-shop
5. Thomas, Thos., grocer
6. Minifee, Ann, vict.
7. Franklin, George, brightsmith
7 or 17. Lucy, William, maltster and hop-merchant
8. Guy, Esau, tin-plate worker
9. Jones, Thomas, vict, Newport Boat (pub)
10. Whithair, Benj., grocer
11. Lewis, Thomas, vict, Ship (pub)
15. Helps, William, grocer
16. Jones, John, gingerbread-baker, confectioner and toy-man
17. See 7
18. Morgan, William, vict, Old Noah’s Ark (pub)
20. Ames, John, engraver
21. Wood, William, sworn timber measurer
22. Terrett, Richard, baker
23. Harris, Edward, cheese-monger
24. Nicholas, Davy, vict, King’s Head (pub) The King’s Head was lost in the late 1870’s when Back Street was widened, the street was also re-named ‘Queen Charlotte Street’.
25. State, William, flax dresser
26. Hadlam, James, peruke-maker
27. Williams, Margaret, L.B.
28. Gronough, Griffy, shoe maker
30. Jones, William, vict, George (pub)
31. Williamson, ?, widow, vict, Bell (pub)
32. Morgan, John, tyler and plasterer
33. Morgan, ?, tide-waiter
34. Smith, Richard, buckle maker
35. Edkins, John, butcher
35. Lisle, Thomas, gunstock maker
36. Strickland, James, vict & mariner, Hen and Chickens (pub)
37. Hunt, William, peruke-maker
38. Privett, flax dresser
40. Herbert, William, shoe-maker
41. Harris, Edward, taylor
42. Green, Joseph, cutler
43. Burnet, William, victualler
44. Davis, John, Baptist minister
44. Readycliffe, ?, taylor
45. Taylor, John, bright smith
47. Rogers, John, cheese & butter seller
1775 Baldwin Street
Prince Henry (afterwards Henry II) was placed with a schoolmaster, named Matthews, in this street, to be “instructed in letters and trained up in civil behaviour”.
1. Tully, George, cornfactor & cheese-monger
5. Watts, Henry, wire worker
6. Thomas, John, capt. of the Industry sloop, to Bridgewater
7. Jones, Rebecca, widow
11. Cheston, Elizabeth, baker
12. Counsell, Richard, hooper
13. Purrier, Thomas, cabinet-maker
13. Taylor, William, plumber & shot-maker
14. Higgins, Imm, book-keeper
15. Russel, James, tide-waiter
17. Bilch, Elizabeth, widow
18. Welton, Sam., brewer & maltster
19. Sheppard, William, plumber
20. Hill, Benjamin, plumber & shot-maker
21. Harris, Susannah, Three Black Birds (pub)
22. Mitchell & Orchard, braziers
23. Emanuel, Penelope, widow
24. Bird, Jonathan, starch-maker
25. Fidoe, Edmond, plumber
26. Strickland, Jacob, joiner & carpenter
27. Thayer, John, rigger
28. Pierce, Thomas, baker
31. Elliot, Philip (residence)
32. Evans, Elizabeth, widow
33. Smartfoot, Thomas, Joiner
34. Good, Richard, brush-maker
35. Warder, Elizabeth, shop-keeper
36. Henry, King (sic), clock and watch-maker
37. Gullam, Cha., carpenter and joiner
38. Taylor, Archibald, victualler, Rising Sun (pub)
40. Cooper, Ann, victualler, Marquis of Granby (pub)
41. Johnson, Elizabeth, tobacconist
42. Jones, Jonathan, basket-maker
43. Lewis, John, bed-joiner
44. Peters, John, carpenter
46. Ellis, Hannah, basket-maker
47. Kidson, John, cabinet-maker
48. West, Wm., shoe-maker
49. Johnson, James, rigger
50. Griffee, George, smith
54. Thomas, Richard
55. Dobson (or Jonson), Joseph, vict, Ship (pub) the Ship was later named the Sceptre
56. Lewis, Eliz., fishmongers
57. Carter, Edward, seedsman
58. Cumly, Stephen, wire-drawer
59. George, William, distiller
60. Lewis, Wm., gingerbread baker & toy-maker
61. Whitehouse, Thomas, ironmonger
Nichols, William, victualler, King’s Arms (pub)
Perry, James, victualler and cooper, Ship and Castle (pub)
Shenfield, Christopher, vict. & mason, Golden Cross (pub)
1775 Bars Lane
Now Barrs Street, existed as long ago as 1129, when a “pound” and two “great barns” were situated close by. It acquired the dignity of being named a street when it was widened in 1846.
1. Fowles, Thomas, baker
2. Cox, Christopher, brightsmith
3. Golledge, Edward, mason
5. Long, John, farrier
6. Wood, William, whip maker
9. Watts, ?, sheriff’s officer
1775 Barton Alley, St. James
Led from St. James’s Barton to the churchyard. It is said that two persons carrying umbrellas could not pass through the alley. Its demolition was decided upon in 1846, but the new street (Bond Street) was not opened for vehicles until some fifteen years later.
1. Elford, Thomas, insurance broker
2. Saunders, Thomas, victualler, Grapes (pub)
3. Seede, John, bright smith
4. Richardson, Richard, dealer
5. Dundass, Alexander, taylor
6. Williams, Joshua
7. Atlee, Samuel, confectioner
1775 Barton’s Court, Barton Street, St. James’s Barton
3. Trotman, -, taylor
1775 Barton Street, St. James Barton
Probably built on a portion of the farm-yard of St. James’s Priory. In Domesday Book, Bristol is referred to as part of the Roya Manor of Barton.
1. Russel, John, capt.
2. Gingell, John, post chaises to let
8. Rich, Robert, maltster
9. Oakens, Wm., coaches & chaise to let
11. Fry, Ebinezer, school-master
13. Thomas, Benjamin
14. Lewis, Dice, taylor
15. Roman, Thomas, victualler, Sugar Loaf (pub)
1775 Beaufort, Buford’s or Burford’s Court, now Beaufort Place, Lower Montague Street
1. Oliver, Thomas, gent
3. Naish, ?
5. Roberts, Thomas, accomptant
6. Hawksford, Edward, officer of excise
7. Esterbrook, Jacob, cryer
9. Ferris, Robt., shoe-maker
? Sindram, J. Christopher, taylor & draper
1775 Bedminster, now East Street
In 1698 Bristol was separated from Bedminster by a clear space of half-a-mile. The well-known London Inn will be noticed at No.141.
2. Richards, Joseph, victualler, Horse and Groom (pub)
5. Clark, -, wheelwright
7. Kirby, John, basket-maker
8. Webb, George, chair-maker
9. Loynes, Francis, stay-warehouse
10. Hanny, John, leather-dresser & breeches-maker
12. Pyerke, Gardener, brazier & victualler
13. Wilcox, John, hat-maker
14. Cloud, John, sacking, twine, and rope-maker
16. Gregory, Roger, victualler, Jolly Sailor (pub)
22. Rossiter, Ann, victualler, Three Bee Hives (pub)
23. Lyne, Richard, baker
25. Gough, Thomas, victualler, Wind Mill (pub)
27. Mayo, John, leather dresser
37. Adams, Thomas, gingerbread-baker
41. Smith, Wm., victualler, Cock and Bottle (pub)
43. Astens, -, skinner
44. Herbert, Edward, leather-dresser & breeches-maker
45. Jones, John, gardener
53. Withey, John, farrier
55. Dabbs, James, victualler, Tennis Court (pub)
59. Lane, Samuel, victualler, Rose and Crown (pub)
68. Watts, Lionel, school master
69. Nelmes, –
78. Levins, George, victualler, Mill-stone (pub)
82. Williams, Jos., victualler, Dun Cow (pub)
83. Taylor, Walter, gent.
85. Lasey, Francis, victualler, Red Lion (pub)
96. Rose, Joseph, victualler, Engine-house (pub)
99. Hill, –
110. King, William, miller, Lock’s Mill
115. Underhill, Dinah, victualler, Old White Horse (pub)
124. Stock, James, victualler, Three Crowns (pub)
125. Lowdin, -, corn broker and auc-tioneer
138. Duffet, James, turnpike-man
141. Morgan, Wm., victualler, London (pub)
142. Williams, Evan, victualler, Colston Arms (pub)
147. Sweet, Joseph, victualler, Anchor (pub)
154. Jones, Francis, victualler, Moon and Stars (pub)
160. Creech, -, captain
161. Goodale, George, victualler, Coach and Horses (pub)
164. Little, Fortune
170. King, John, victualler, Rose and Crown (pub)
176. Sanders, William, gent
178. Cheese, John, gardener
179. Godwin, John, turnpike-man
181. Page, John, victualler, Hen and Chickens (pub)
182. Sivier, Daniel, victualler, Elephant (pub)
205. Gerrard, Francis, victualler, Star (pub)
208. Silcox, Edward, farrier
210. Dabbs, James, joiner
211. Groves, Benjamin, wheel-wright
222. Walters, Wm., butcher
223. Fear, Wm., baker
224. Stannah, William, victualler (pub)
245. Burges, John, victualler, Horse and Jockey (pub)
255. Hurley, Jos., clock and watch maker
256. Soudly, Thomas, edge tool-maker
259. Mounteir, Abraham, black-smith
1775 Bedminster Causeway, now incorporated with Bedminster Parade
1. Smith, Samuel, mustard manufactory
5. Davis, John, soap-master (sic) & chandler
6. Williams, Wm., cooper
7. White, Jacob
9. Grisley, Henry, merchant
10. Williams, Wm., capt.
11. Pook, Richard
12. Hasle, Thomas
14. Salter, Richard, shop-keeper
16. Bowen, Mrs.
17. Hazard, Thomas
19. Sawyers, Robert, corn factor
22. Bryant, John, twine spinner
25. Hooper, Thomas, victualler, Squirrel (pub)
28. James, Stephen, carpenter & joiner
31. Evans, William, victualler, White Hart (pub)
1775 Blinkerd’s Court, probably now Blinkers Steps, Milk Street
3. Beser, Hester, widow
1775 Bloomsbury Court, probably now Bloomsbury Buildings, Charles Street
2. Roberts, John, sheriff’s officer
3. Lilleecrop, Edward, officer of excise
4. Field, -, widow
5. Gillam, Jos., tide-waiter
6. Saunders, William, book-keeper
14. Shadwell, Sarah, School for children
1775 Brandon Hill, near St. George’s Road
This Hill itself was one of the chief defences of the city during the sieges of 1643-5. Women, from time immemorial have enjoyed the privilege of drying their clothes here, and not only since the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Bristol, as has been previously stated. A splendid panoramic view of Bristol may be obtained from the Cabot Tower which crowns the summit of the Hill.
2. West, –
7. Jones, Sarah, widow
8. Rogers, Thomas, glass-maker
9. Short, Thomas, glass-maker
1775 Brandon Street, College Green
5. Rees, -, mantua-maker
6. Brown, John, marble-cutter
8. Davis, William
9. Simms, Thomas
10. Millsom, Thomas
1775 Bridewell Lane, now Bridewell Street
The Bridewell from which this street takes its name, stood on both sides of the Lane, it was fired by the Rioters in 1831, and rebuilt in 1835 at a cost of £7,800.
An important improvement was effected in 1835 by opening through Bridewell Lane, a street from Nelson Street to the Horse Fair, covering over part of the Froom, Bridewell Street was widened in 1846, and the new court was opened in 1880.
1. Daubeny, John & George & Co., sugar refiners
1. Young, Ja., stocking manufacturer
2. Priest, William, watch-maker
3. Wells, George, pastry cook
4. Rees, -, butcher
6. Addison & Co., paper shop
7. Cherry, John
8. Murrill, William, peruke-maker and hair-dresser
9. Green, Samuel, bookseller
10. Partridge, Hannah and sister, grocers
11. Pool, Hester
12 & 18. Cherry, David, auctioneer and cabinet maker
13. Welch, James, Bridewell Keeper
14. Crump, Isabella, toy shop
15. Lloyd, Francis, pastry-cook
17. Powell, John, bright-smith
18. see 12
21. Parry, John, shoe-maker
22. Parker, Robert, grocer
23. Painter, William, bed-joiner and cabinet-maker
24. Seton, James, peruke-maker
26. Nunn, Jonathan, victualler, Sugar Loaf (pub)
27. Willis, James, tin-plate worker
28. Hensley, John, hat-maker
29. Walker, -, butcher
30. Hill, Norman, glazier
31. Milleman & Co., tobacco and snuff warehouse
32. Sheppard, ?, carpenter and joiner
33. Kroger, Henry, victualler, Sugar Loaf (pub)
34. Andras, Walsingham, turner
1775 Bridge Street, formerly Worship Street
Was built on the site of the ancient shambles, or flesh market
1. Morgan, John, grocer and tea-dealer
2. Vines, Isaac, glover and breeches maker
3. Brown, James, ironmonger
3. Naish, Thomas, goldsmith and cutter
4. Woodward, Thomas, toy-maker & cutter
5. Day, William, undertaker and milliner
6. Viner, Christopher, hat-maker
7. Stephens, John, auctioneer
8. Lock, James, watch and clock-maker
15. Howell & Son, upholsterers
18. Rouths and Nelson, printers
20. Renneson, Thomas, thread-maker
20. Smith, John, harpsicord and spinnet-maker
22. Jones, Robert, surgeon; Jones, Mrs., sells tea and hosiery
23. Priest, Robert, apothecary
24. Tustin, John, hatter
25. Goldwyer, William, surgeon
26. Lury, John, cutter and Goldsmith
29. Verity, –
31. Lewis, David, corn-factor
41. Coleman, Harris, and Coleman, hosiers
Nelson & Co., printers
1775 Bridge Foot, now Bristol Bridge
As will be seen below, at No.2 (on the right as one approached the bridge from Temple Meads Station way) lived Burgum, the pewterer, for whom Chatterton drew up a bogus de Bergham ancestral history for 5/-. On the opposite side was at one time Sir Thomas Day’s “great house”, where Queen Anne was entertained. Close by on Bristol Bridge, Tobias Matthew, Archbishop of York, was born in 1546. The modern Bristol Bridge was completed in 1768, and has since been twice widened.
1. Smith & Sons, hosiers
2. Burgum & Catcott, pewterers
4. Vining, Thomas, grocer
5. Thomas, John, grocer and butter-merchant
6. Grove, Kingsmill, paper-maker
7. Grigg, William, haberdasher
1775 Bristol Back, or Welsh Back
Named from the fact of Welsh coasting vessels being moored near here.
1. Doole, John, grocer
2. Ford, Sarah, fishmonger
3. Phelps, Isaac, cabinet-maker
4. Beynon, William, mast-maker and victualler, Mermaid (pub)
5. Haskins, Joseph, and nephew, distillers
6. Vawdrey, Ann, rope-maker
7. Roberts, -, widow, victualler, Coffee-pot
8. Attwood, George, hooper
9. Salmon, Robert, timber-merchant and cabinet maker
10. Morgan, Henry, wholesale linen-draper
11. Bullock, Charles, Penry, tobacconist
12. Davis, John and Benjamin, tobacconists and snuff makers
13. Howldy, Elenor, paper-maker and stationer
14. Garratt, John, victualler, Chepstow Boat (pub)
15. Wigginton, Abraham, tobacconist
16. Walter, Crispin, victualler
17. Terrel, John, flax-dresser
18. Mullet, Thomas & Co., paper-makers and stationers
19. Rees, Thomas, victualler, Brockwar Boat (pub)
20. Evans, Thomas, cook-shop
21. Hill, James, victualler, Three Cups and Bath Barge (pub)
22. Encell, John, glass-maker, china and earthen-ware
23. Wheeler, Isaac, water-bailiff
24. Warden, Church, ironmonger, cutler, and sells wholesale, needles and fish-hooks
26. Evans, Thomas & Co., tobacconists and oilmen
27. Willis and Wallis, peruke-makers and hair-dressers
28. O’Neal, T., slop-seller
29. Jones, John, victualler, L.B., Cross Keys (pub)
30. Nicholas, Thomas, White Hart
31. Davis, Christian, victualler, L.B., Noah’s Ark (pub)
32. Hale, Williams & Son, coppersmiths and braziers, warehouse
33. Sloper, Ann, L.B.
34. Moody, James, accomptant, L. & B.
35. Llewellin, Eliz., corn-factor
36. Brett, Joseph, hooper
37. Beech, John, potter
39. Scott, Ann, victualler, L.B.
40. Bundy, William, sail maker
41. Gill, David, merchant tailor
42. Williams, Mary, victualler, The Bell (pub)
1775 Broad Mead
Was a spacious meadow in William Wyrcestre’s time, hence its name. Two famous chapels are contained in this street, one near the Lower Arcade was the first built by John Wesley (1739), the other Broadmead Baptist Chapel was originally built in 1670.
The first attempt at gas-lighting in Bristol was by Mr. Breillat, a dyer at 56 Broadmead in 1811.
2. Bowen, Charles, broker
3. Morse, John, apothecary
4. Pool, Edward, victualler, Coach and Horses (pub)
5 & 7. Whitchurch, Jonathan, hair merchant
6. Millsom, Thomas, glazier
7. see 5
10. Bows, John, shoe-maker
11. Dove, Ed., victualler, Crown and Cushion (pub)
12. Lambert, William, tyler and plasterer
13. Dove, William, velvet-weaver
14. Jones, Joseph, victualler, Coach and Horses (pub)
15. Ireland, James, peruke-maker
17. Nighbour, Joseph, clock and watch-maker
18. Millard, Ann
21. Stephens, Mary, hosier
22. Simmonds, Samuel, shoe-maker
25. Farr, William, attorney
27. Phillips, Sarah, baker
28. Stuckey, Joel, shoe-maker
30. Harman & Chambers, leather-dressers
32. Patty, James, carver and gilder
33. Southcote, John, school-master
34. Maynard’s hair-warehouse
35. Cordis, John, victualler, The Ship (pub)
36. Power, Francis, apothecary
37. Tyler, James, grocer & cheese-monger
38. Lewis, John, victualler, Bull (pub)
39. Tovey, William, baker
41. Morgan, Ann, widow
42. Ritch, Daniel, cooper
43. Granger, William, butcher
44. Evans, John, cabinet-maker
47. Ellery, Charles, shoe-maker
48. Hare, Thomas, victualler, Bell (pub)
49. Snell, John, innkeeper, Greyhound (pub)
50. Butler, ?
51. Bullock, William, leather-dresser
52. Jarvis & Holland, dry-salters
53. Maynard, Joseph, hair-merchant
54. Jones, Thomas, coach-office
55. Perrin, Thomas, currier
56. Sandes (or) Sandys, Samuel, grocer and cheese-monger
57. Cox, ?, currier
58. Davis, Henry, cooper
59. Gibbs, John, cutter
61. White, ?, victualler, Apple Tree (pub)
62. Colley, Martha, widow
63. Hoare, James, dyer of linens
66. Castle, Joseph, baker
67. Jones, William, rigger
68. Snary, Michael, victualler, Rose and Crown (pub)
Sawyer, Francis, innkeeper, The Lamb (pub)
1775 Broad Plain
(see St. Philips’ Plain)
1775 Broad Street
The gateway and church of St. John crossing this street add an old-world touch to the heart of the city. Another interesting feature is the Guildhall, built 1843-6, on the site of an older structure where in 1685 the famous Judge Jeffreys appeared during the “Bloody Assize”.
The Grand Hotel on the other side of the street, once the White Lion, was the scene of many civic feasts and was at one time kept by the father of Sir Thomas Lawrence.
1. Pine, William, printer and book-seller
2. Palmer, Arthur, tea-dealer
3. Edwards, Ann, tea-dealer
5. Millet, Ann, poulterer
6. Doyle, Mary, haberdasher
7. Prosser, Charles, silk-mercer
8. Pierce, Thomas, jun., watch-maker and goldsmith
9. Ellis, John, peruke-maker & hair-dresser
10. Davis and Griffiths, milleners
11. Wallis, Elizabeth, perfumer
12. Smith, Wm., glover and undertaker
13. Kempson, Sarah, poulterer
14. Headington, John, apothecary
15. Nangle, Nath., jeweller & watch-maker
16. Lewis, George, glover, undertaker and breeches-maker
17. King, Ben., baker
18. Parsley, James, barber-surgeon, and publican, Bell and Compass (pub)
19. Holdway, William, intelligence-office keeper
20. Poole, Nicholas, haberdasher
21. Hole, William, grocer
22. Wady, William, watch-maker, jeweller, & toy-man
23. Snook, John, wine-merchant
24. Bagnall, Wm., Irish linen mer.
25 & 40. Parker, Edward & Richard, attornies and M.C.
26. Smith, Hester & Mary, pastry-cooks
27. Owen, John, tailor
28. Edwards, James, druggist & chemist
29. Winter, John, victualler, Bell (pub)
31. Bath, John, baker
32. Morgan, Rich., gunsmith and victualler, Cooper’s Arms (pub)
33. Parker, William, permit writer
33. Skynner, James, excise officer
34. Begg, Sophia, late Pullins, wine vaults
35. Troughton & Newcomb, silk-men
36. Nash, John, cheese & corn factor
37. Hunter, Rob., linen merchant
38. Cox, Peter, presser and packer
39. Cadell, Ann and Sarah, tea-dealers
40. see 25
41. Langford, Robert, clerk to the bank
42. Lloyd, Elton & Co., bankers
43. Osborne and Seager, attornies, N.P. & M.C.
44. Smith & Pierce, milliners
45. Creed, Richard, grocer & chandler
46. Thompson, Samuel, shoe-maker
47. Bird, Edward, grocer & tea-dealer
48. Excise office
48 – 49 (between) Barrat, -, collector of excise
49. James, Ann, china, glass and earthen-ware seller of all sorts
50. Williams, Job, grocer & chandler
51. Philpot, William, hair-dresser
52. Townsend, John, surgeon
53. Johns, Richard, distiller
54. Sevier, Joseph, brush & toy-maker
56. Gravenors and Carrs, ribbon & stuff warehouse
57. Jackson, Ann, hosier
58. Bowsher, Richard, innkeeper, White Lion, (pub) At this place is kept the American coffee-house, also post-chaises to let, the London coach puts up here.
59. Dunbar, Thomas, millinery & haberdasher
61. Harford, Truman, silk-mercer
62. Brown and Shipman, glovers and hosiers
63. Smith, Joseph, watch-maker
White, William, innkeeper, White Hart. He lets post-chaises, a London coach inns here; at this place is held a lodge of free and accepted masons, 1st and 3rd Wednesday.
1775 Broad Ware, now Broad Weir
The ancient implement for the punishment of scolds, the “cucking” or ducking-stool stood here until about 1785.
1. Underwood, William, leather-dresser
3. Haythorn, Joseph, oil & leather warehouse
4. Morgan, John, clock & watch-maker
5. Jones, William, victualler, Bell (pub)
7. Matthews, William, victualler, Ship (pub)
8. Belban, John, victualler shop
9. Webb, Mary, widow
10. Brown, John, peruke-maker
11. Hamman, Joseph, currier, & leather processing
12. Blinman, Thomas, shoe-maker
13. Lewis, John, grocer
14. Trowbridge, Isaac, carpenter
17. Frampton, -, leather-dresser
18. Virgin, Thomas, victualler, Crown (pub)
19. Porter, John, buckle-maker
20. Bryant, Hannah, widow
21. Raymon, Thomas, victualler, Crown (pub)
22. Cooper, Thomas, baker
23. Coles, Thomas, clothier’s shop
24. Plyer, Samuel, weaver
25. Dust, Richard, dyer
1775 Bull Lane, probably off Great George Street, St. Philip’s
2. Morgan, James, victualler, joyner
4. Plummer, ?
1775 Bush Street, off Hillgrove Street
1. Salmon, Susannah, widow, watch-maker
2. Cleverly, Benjamin, gardener
3. Reid, William, accomptant
1775 Butter Lane, probably off Avon Street
3. Thornton, Sarah, widow
1775 The Butts From opposite the end of Denmark Street to Canon’s Marsh, now demolished
1. Farr, Thomas, baker & pastry-cook
2. Daniel, Ann, widow
3. Fowler, John, merchant
4. Pratt, Richard, mate of a ship
5. Gardener, Elizabeth, victualler, Ship (pub)
6. Harrat, ?, widow,
8. George, Richard, deal yard
C – D – Bristol Street Directory 1775
I – K – Historical Bristol Street Directory 1871

Image by brizzle born and bred
Mathews’ Bristol Street Directory 1871
Institution Avenue, bottom of Park Street
Island Court, Penn Street
Ivy Place, Chapel Street, St. Philips
Ivy Street, Green Street, Hotwells
Jacob Street, top of Old Market Street to Tower Hill
1. Samuel Carter, tailor
2. Zachariah Cann, mason and builder .
3. Edwin Lyddon, cabinet maker
4. Rhoda Griffths, hat trimmer
5. John Calloway, porter
6. Henry Bowditch
7. James Crook
William. J. Rogers, Jacob St. Brewery…
Samuel Hosegood, ale & porter stores
James Broad
Isaac Riddle
Thomas Sanders, carpenter & builder
Frederick Henry Ball, maltster
William Wellington
William Howe, painter
R. P. Forlong & Co., manure works
John L. Capenhurst, horse-hair seating manufacturer
Thomas Dean, engineer
John Dash, cooper
James Pollard
Bristol Sugar Refinery Co.
Jane Tyler, haulier
William Jackson
Emma Gould, grocer
William Henry Smith, cork cutter
William Jefferies, engineer, pump maker, etc
Samuel Whittaker, baker & grocer
John Leonard
John Hobbs, greengrocer, etc
John Allen, poulterer
George Williams, cork manufacturer
John H. Sanger vict, Golden Bowl (Ball) (pub) 1794. Sarah Emmett / 1806 – 16. John Easterbrook / 1820. Elizabeth Easterbrook / 1822 – 44. George Baker / 1847 – 55. James Carter 1856 to 1865. Samuel Tyler jnr / 1866 to 1868. George Hale / 1869 to 1878. John Hill Sanger / 1879 – 83. James Bird 1885 – 88. Emily Nash / 1889 to 1891. John Jeffery / 1892 – 1901. James Bowery / 1904. George Osborne / 1906. Mary Hannah Powell 1909. Frederick Wood / 1914 – 28. Joseph Showering / 1931. George Martin / 1935. Thomas Head / 1937 – 38. Doris May Masters 1944. Henry Fry / 1950 – 53. Leonard Davis. Samuel Tyler, who also traded as a haulier was declared bankrupt in 1865.
Joseph Cole, vict, The Good Intent (pub) 1867. Thomas Thomas / 1868 – 96. Joseph Cole.
John Llewellyn, vict, Three Compasses (pub) 1792 – 94. William Haynes / 1800. Abraham Kepple / 1806. William Woodland / 1816. Matthew Joseph / 1820 – 23. Richard Holt 1828 – 34. Thomas Prosser / 1837 – 44. John Easterbrook / 1847 – 48. John Wyatt / 1849. Eliza Wyatt / 1853 – 58. Samuel Curtis 1860 – 63. Samuel Llewellin / 1863 to 1876. John Llewellin / 1877 – 83. James Small / 1885. Alfred R. Bird / 1886. Thomas Taylors.
Jacob Street (New), top of Old Market Street to Tower Hill
Jacobs Wells, Hotwell Road to Berekley Place
(Berkeley Vale)
Mark Hookings, dairyman
Thomas Alfred King
W. Hardige, chimney sweeper
Merrick and How, hay & corn dealers
J. Hicks, greengrocer
T. Baker, shopkeeper, Devonshire house
Mary Hatton, shopkeeper
W. Hodges, boot maker
Bellvue Girl’s School
Fire Escape Station
John Mackrcll, shoeing forge
Mrs Hill
Thomas Brooks, haulier
E. Lovell, grocer
Ann Hodge, marine stores dealer
Charlotte Manley, grocer
Matthew Brice
David Jenkins
John Enwright
John Long
Mrs Chick
Isaac Chard
Thomas Morris
Mrs Gibbons, laundress
William Light
Mrs Sullivan, laundress
Thomas Dowling
Samuel Morris, haulier
Mrs Rowell
F. Winscombe, grocer
James Dunkerton
Robert A. Baynton, greengrocer
James Vivian, ale and porter store
Andrew Slaughter
W. Hayns, coal dealer, etc
Samuel Morgan
Mrs Turner
John Morgan
Thomas Fowles
Mitchell & Davis, ceiling lath makers
Brandon Hill Police Station
R. Rogers, gardener
G. Williams, boot maker
J. Morgan, vict, Hope & Anchor (pub) 1800. Philip Elliott / 1806 – 33. John Elliott / 1834. J. Osborne / 1837. C. Willett / 1839 – 48. Edward Rowe / 1849 – 51. F. Bowbeer 1851. Jane Banbier / 1853 – 54. John Burge / 1855 to 1860. James Hill / 1861 – 65. Elizabeth Hill / 1867 – 91. John Morgan 1892 – 99. Mary Webb / 1901 – 04. Mrs. M. Morse / 1906. William Lintern / 1909 – 14. Martha Lintern / 1921. Albert Blake 1925 – 31. Ellen Blake / 1935. Francis Pratt / 1937. Joseph Haberfield / 1938 – 53. John Griffiths / 1975. R. Swetman. The 1861 census lists Elizabeth Hill as victualler & chimney sweeper employing 2 men and 2 boys.
J. Hobbs, vict, White Hart (pub) This old inn was demolished in 1877 and in its place in 1882 was built St.Peters Church, which in turn was demolished in 1939. On the site to-day stands a block of flats named St.Peters House. White Hart Steps to the left remain today leading to Clifton Wood.
Edwin Rowland, grocer, vict, Royal Oak (pub) 1853. Susan Fry / 1857 – 74. Edwin Rowland.
George Milton, vict, Bath Arms (pub) 1853. Edwin Rowland / 1854 to 1855. William Hurford / 1856 to 1860. Edward Evans / 1861 – 63. Ann Evans / 1865 – 72. George Milton 1874 – 75. Alfred Crayford / 1876. Harriett Peters / 1877 – 79. Mary Ann Langdon / 1882 – 87. John Williams 1888 – 94. Christine Bray / 1896 – 1909. George Norman / 1914 – 17. Harry Thomas / 1921. Frank Cox / 1925 – 28. Thomas Herbert 1931 – 38. Margaret Herbert.
Richard Hayden, vict, King William IV (pub) 1832 – 34. William Dawe / 1837. Elizabeth Dawe / 1851. William Dolling / 1853. Elizabeth Dolling / 1857 – 66. John Enwright 1868 – 69. Charlotte Manley / 1871 – 72. Richard Hayden. Elizabeth Dolling was also the proprietor of the cold baths, Jacob’s Wells.
(Elliott’s Buildings)
Lewis Monkley, confectioner
Samuel Light, plumber & gasfitter
William Reece
Robert Meachim
John Spurlock
John Whaits, junior
Giles Hockey
George England
George Braybrook. shoeing forge
John Whaits, wheelwright & general smith
Jamaica Street, King Square to Hillgrove Street
William Cowling, general haulier, Cleve house
W. Wilmot, carver
William Dunn, lodging house
John Berry
Miss Gazard, ladies’ school
Elizabeth Simmons
William Hillier
Edwin Huggins
Henry Schusler
William Lewis
Joseph Offer
Thomas Shute
E. Green, tailor
Miss Evans, seminary
Thomas Jenkins, shipwright
William Hayward, carpenter
Mrs Hill
Ann Cole
John Jewell, vict, Crown Tavern 1764 Mary Williams / 1775 William Bryan / 1794 James Culverworth / 1800 – 06 Thomas Brown / 1816 – 34 Robert Webb 1837 Joseph Jackson / 1839 – 40 J. Bounds / 1842 – 44 George Harding / 1847 Henry Watkins / 1848 – 49 William Angus 1851 Thomas Boardman / 1852 Alfred Iles / 1853 Ann Brown / 1854 – 57 Alfred Pool / 1859 George Price / 1860 W. H. Balch 1861 John Guy / 1863 Henry Everett / 1865 Charles Brook / 1866 – 69 John Mills / 1871 – 74 John Jewell / 1875 John Nicholas 1877 – 79 James Nash / 1881 – 83 John Galliford / 1885 – 87 William Heather / 1889 – 1904 Maria Heather / 1906 – 09 Arthur Vaughan 1914 – 21 Jane Hillier / 1925 – 35 William Peters / 1937 – 38 Wilfred Webb / 1940 Edward Godwin / 1940 Thomas Dermald 1944 – 53 Thomas King.
John Leworthy, vict, Bell, Hillgrove Street (pub) Still trading, the Bell is situated in the stretch of Hillgrove Street between Jamaica Street and Dalton Square.
Horse & Groom, Hillgrove Street (pub) 1839 – 40 Thomas Gay.
Union Tavern, Hillgrove Street (pub) 1842 W. Snow / 1844 – 47 Hannah Snow / 1848 to 1856 William Powell / 1857 to 1867 Hannah Powell / 1867 Samuel Clark 1868 – 69 Alfred York / 1871 – 83 John Atwell / 1885 – 1906 Ellen Wilkins / 1909 S. Cleak / 1914 Mary Woodbury.
Jamaica Terrace, 12, Jamaica Street
James’ Back, Broadmead to Bridewell Street
James’ Back (Little), Broadmead to Pithay
James’ Court, Stillhouse Lane
James’ Place, Green Street, Hotwells
James’ Place, Union Road, Dings
James’ Place, Portland Street, Clifton
James’ Place, Kingsdown Parade
James’ Street, Ashley Road to Grosvenor Road
Edmund Bessell
Mrs Elizabeth Richards
Albert William
Augustus Garland
William Joseph Pike
Pike, Vigor & Co. loan office
Joseph Edmund Davis house
Thomas William Woodland
George Morris
Daniel Bray
John King
E. B. Wood
William Smith
Henry James Dyer
James Pearce Perry, reporter
James’ Street, Pennywell Road
James’ Street, Earl Street, St. James
Jarman’s Court, Horsefair
Jeffery’s Court, Host Street
Jenning’s Court, Kingsland Road
Jenning’s Court, Redcliif Hill
Jessamine Cottages, Brandon Hill
Jessamine Cottages, Stony Hill
John’s Bridge, Christmas Street
John’s Buildings, Dings
John’s Court, John Street, St. Philips
John’s Court, 6, (lower), Montague Street
John’s Lane, Totterdown, to bottom of Pylle Hill
John’s Lane, Ashley Hill
John’s Place, Lawrence Hill
John’s Steep, John Street to Bridewell Street
John Street, Broad Street to John’s Steep
Henry Vowles, tailors trimmings dealer
Henry Wimpenny, sewing machine depot
J. Weeks, copper-plate printer
Francis Tayler, hair dresser
J. Jones, perambulator & invalid chair manufacturer
Steadman & Co. wholesale boot manufacturer
James Adam Bethune, temp. hotel
Albert Pole, printer
Heaven and Bowman, solicitors
Harbour and Ross, law stationers
William Harrington Bush, solicitor
T. H. Bromly, sewing machinist, etc
Mrs Curry, school
John Francis, tailor, Arch house
F. Inman, boot maker
William Bennett, lithographer, etc
J. Hardwick, surveyor
Matthew H. Bessell, tax oflice
Hancock, Triggs & Co. accountants in bankruptcy
Edward Thelwell, barrister-at-law
Prideaux and Clark, solicitors
George Tonkin, tailor
Thomas Aplin, tailor
W. Glyde, solicitor
J. S. Pitt, accountant
Sarah Morris, tailor
James Crudge
Ann Hunt, vict, Bank Tavern (pub) The Bank Tavern is still trading, built around 1750 it was named to commemorate the opening of Bristol’s first bank which was on the corner of Broad Street and John Street. 1794 Mary Moore / 1800 William Gillett / 1822 W. Jones / 1823 – 28 Adam Barton / 1830 – 34 Henry Merry / 1837 – 39 William Brown 1840 Edwin Oliver / 1841 to 1849 William Merriman / 1849 to 1855 Evan Jenkins / 1856 William Coburn / 1859 – 66 John Wintle 1867 Delia Wintle / 1868 William Hawkins / 1869 J. Hunt / 1871 – 76 Ann Hunt / 1877 – 80 Joseph Harris / 1881 Augustus Simmons 1882 Michael Clune / 1883 Elizabeth Rice / 1885 – 89 Caroline Battle / 1891 Frederick Powles / 1892 to 1893 Edward Hartnett 1894 Caroline Battel / 1896 – 1901 Frederick Grigg / 1902 Ethel Mary Grigg / 1904 – 21 Frederick Jones / 1925 – 31 Leopold Painter 1935 – 53 Leonard Browne / 1975 M. A. Bond. Adam Barton also traded as a saw & tool maker in nearby All Saints’ Street.
John Street (Little), John Street to Tower Lane
John Street, Jacob Street to Broad Plain
James Wake, baker
William J. Rogers, maltster
John G. Usher
Timothy Freke, grocer
James John Shoat, vict, Three Crowns (pub) St.Philip & Jacob’s church which was just a stone’s throw from the Three Crowns. John Street ran from Jacob Street to Narrow Plain with Sloper‘s Lane leading through to St.Philip & Jacob’s church. This area was cleared in 1967 to make way for the Temple Way / Old Market roundabout scheme.
John Street, Upper Easton
George Heall, milliner & straw bonnet maker
George Willmot, grocer
Joseph Williams, baker, vict, Rising Sun (pub) 1874. James Johnson / 1878 – 93. Samuel Iles / 1899. William Sainsbury / 1904 – 35. Frederick Iles / 1937 – 50. Harold Perry 1953. William Tudgell.
Johny Ball Lane, Upper Maudlin Street to Lewins Mead
Johnson’s Court, Broadmead
Jones’ Court, 78, Hotwell Road
Jones’ Court, Frogmore Street
Jones’ Court, Avon Street, Temple
Jones’ Court, Pipe Lane, Temple
Jones’ Lane, Redcliff Street
Joy Hill, Hope Square
(Jame’s Place)
John W. Savage
William Hardwick
Henry Hancock, Ivy cottage
Jubilee Buildings, Baptist Mills
Jubilee Court, Wilder Street
Jubilee Place, Redcliff Parade to Guinea Street
1. George Marshall, potato stores
2. Frederick Hodges
3. George Bevis, agent
8. William Blinkhorn, contractor
Jubilee Place, Baptist Mills
H. Castle, auction, vict, Duke of York (pub) (Botany Bay) 1828 – 33. James Baker / 1837 – 44. Edward Stretton / 1848 – 49. John Cook / 1851. Alfred Dumayne / 1853. B. Parker 1854 – 55. S.Turner / 1856. Thomas Harvey / 1858. Charles Collins / 1861. Hannah Young / 1863 – 68. George Wintle 1871 – 72. Henry Castle / 1874 – 77. Henry George Bishop / 1878. William Green / 1879. George Hows / 1882. W. Thomas 1883. Edwin Wright / 1888 – 1938. Samuel Roberts / 1944. Edward Sliney / 1950. John Sliney / 1953. Amelia Souls. listed in 1828 as the Duke Of York & Jubilee Tea Gardens.
Jubilee Place, North Street, Bedminster
Jubilee Plain, Baptist Mills
Jubilee Row, Baptist Mills
Jubilee Street, Horton Street
Kenilworth Terrace, Newtown, St. Philips
14. J. J. Bunnell
8. William Hedges
6. William Clark
5. Thomas Skinner
4. Henry Cock
2. James Pugsley
1. William Gillard
Kensington Place, Victoria Square
William Blinman Allen, Flora cottage
G. Dolman, Kensington mews
Mrs Sarah Holmes, Flora cottage
Mrs Ward, Newstead
Mrs Emma Jackson
Miss Sophia Phillpot
Lydia Lapham
Miss Margaret Sealey
Miss Jane Garnett
Miss Eliz. B. Fry, Kensington lodge
?. Caynham villa
Kensington Villas, Richmond Park
1. John Bush
2. Miss Emily Maltby
Kent Villas, Horfield
Kent’s Buildings, Frogmore Street
Keswick Buildings, Alma Road to Melrose Place, Whiteladies Road
Kilbon Street, Avon Street, St. Philip’s
Kilkenny Street, Upper Cheese Lane
King George Alley, Redcliff Hill
King Square, St. James
Edward Cooke Nunn, commercial school
John Cogan
Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) – Miss Savill, superintendent . The movement that resulted in the World YWCA began in England in 1855 in the midst of the Industrial Revolution and the Crimean War. Founded through the convergence of social activist Lady Mary Jane Kinnaird’s General Female Training Institute, and committed Christian Emma Robarts’ Prayer Union, it sought to be a social and spiritual support system for young English women.
T. C. Lloyd
William Derrick, house agent
Mrs Derrick, ladies’ school
Alfred Johnson, accountant
William Walter Stoddart
Charles Joseph Whittuck
Miss Mary James
Samuel Chappell
Charles Hick Greenly, surgeon
John Cutter
Edmund Humphries Tromp
Edward Nunn, school
Richard Faulkener Edgell
A. Whittaker, professor of music
George Cole, merchant & ship owner
T. J . Coe, wholesale boot manufacturer
John Sherrard Smart, dentist
Thomas Crocker, M.D. surgeon
W. E. Turner
William Ormond
John Sims Handcock, superintendent of police
Isaac Arrowsmith
J . Kendall
Robert Price Strong
John P. Challacombe, surgeon, M.D.
Mrs Charles Napier
Miss E. May
King Square Avenue, North Street to King‘ Square
Samuel Gerrish, butcher
Thomas Hoskins, brush maker
Mrs Jelfs, fruiterer
Henry Pritchard, collector of rates
George Harvey, saddler
George Henry Tovey, wine & spirit merchant
Isaac Payne, furniture broker
T. Edmunds, venetian blind maker
Henry Tregay
Joseph Mortlock
William Fewings, upper manufacturer (footwear)
Charles Lewis, tailor and draper
Robert Stenner, piano-forte maker
Edward J . Tucker, King Square mews
James Powell, sweet-shop & tobacconist
Miss Mary Humphreys, milliner (headwear)
R. Pearce and Sons, commission agents & money lenders
Susan Short, vict, Angel Inn (pub) 1861 – 65 Frederick Corfield / 1871 – 72 Susanna Short / 1874 Charles Smith / 1875 to 1876 Eliza Down / 1877 to 1878 Edward King 1879 to 1880 William Webber / 1881 to 1882 Alfred Osgood / 1883 H. S. Crinks / 1885 – 87 James Lucas / 1888 Herbert Howard Carr 1889 Robert Orchard / 1891 William Richardson / 1892 Isaac Flancinbaum / 1892 – 97 William Brayley / 1899 Frank Lucas 1901 – 02 James Gore / 1904 William Bartlett / 1906 Amelia Bartlett / 1909 Frank Harris / 1914 Ernest White / 1921 – 28 Mary Bryan 1931 – 38 Alfred Bryan / 1938 – 44 Dora Bryan / 1950 – 53 Clementine Whyatt. Dora Bryan’s tenancy commenced on the 3rd October 1938, the rent was £32 per annum, the landlords were the Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited.
King Street, Welsh Back to Prince Street
King Street (Little), Queen Square
Coles and Fry, sack depot
T. E. Wookey, haulier
Wait and James, corn merchants
George B. Dyer, corn merchant
Alfred Pearce. bonded stores
William Henderson, seaman
Thomas Stephens, cooper & vat maker
R. C. Stephens, haulier
George Watson, carpenter
Ball and Skeates, wine merchants
Butterworth, McArthur, Bridges, & Co. iron merchants, etc
William Bass, vict, Odd Fellow’s Arms (pub) Little King Street (corner of Welsh Back) 1859 – 68 James Westall / 1869 Thomas E. Wookey / 1870 to 1871 William Bass / 1872 – 79 Jane Bass / 1882 – 99 Tom Rudman previously known as the Sailors’ Return.
John Fry, vict, St. Michael’s Arms (pub) 1863 Evan Symmons / 1865 – 78 John Fry / 1879 to 1891 Henry Coles / 1892 – 94 George Price.
King Street, Queen Square……
1. James Brown, grocer
2. William Aspland, basket maker
3. George Chapman, auctioneer, etc
4. Mrs Wookey, lodging house
Thomas Elkanah Wookey, haulier
4. Mrs Stephens, toy dealer
6. Michele Ansaldo, ship broker…
6. C. P. B. Howell, junr. timber merchant
7. Samuel Stevens, marine stores
8. Charles Neck, dock pilot
10. Frederick Hugh Jones, (compositor)
11-12. Budgett and James, general produce brokers
15. John Wetherman, junior, sole agent for Guiness’s porter
16. Abraham Champion and Sons, decorators, etc…
18. Timothy Flying, tailor
19. Edward, Ryan, egg merchant
25. Mrs Gready
26. John Jenkins, tailor
27. George Veal
29. William Veal, cabinet maker
31. Robert J. Oak, pump & block maker
Merchant’s Hall
Marine School, William Seaton, master
Merchants Seaman’s Almshouses…
City Library, James Fawckner Nicholls, librarian
Ford and Canning, public bonded warehouse keepers
32, Burton Brewery Co. – Agent, Edward H. S. Wilkinson
35. ?. Westall
Theatre – James Henry Chute, lessee…
Coopers’s Hall
C. F. Ivens & Co. merchants
Robert L. N. Espie, fruit broker
Joseph Abraham, wine merchant
William Pope, shopkeeper
45-46. Charles Turner, wholesale fruiterer
47. Evan Symmons, beer seller
F. Lewis, shopkeeper
Capt. T. Daniel, vict, Llandoger Trow (pub) Built in 1664 the Llandoger occupied the right hand gable in this rank of five, the second section from the left was once a tavern named the Goat. In the November blitz of 1940 the two gables at the left suffered severe bomb damage and were removed. The three remaining buildings were bought by Berni Inns in 1962 and converted into a pub/restaurant. To prevent the building from collapsing during the renovation, a steel frame was inserted supported by piles sunk to a depth of 43 feet. The Llandoger is still trading.…
Thomas West, vict, Coopers’s Arms (pub) Nos. 7, 8 & 9 King Street, the Coopers’ Arms was at No.9 the right hand gable in this group. No.7 which was once the Royal Oak and No.8 are still standing but the Coopers’ Arms was taken down in 1899 to be replaced with warehousing, note the demolition work being carried out at No.10.
Royal Oak, King Street1752 Thomas Lock / 1755 – 62 Joseph Lock / 1775 William Knight / 1792 Elizabeth Martin / 1800 William pugh / 1816 James Brown see the Coopers’ Arms.
17. Richard Trapnell, vict, Royal Navy Volunteer (pub) 1861 – 74 Richard Trapnell / 1875 Ann Trapnell / 1876 Charles Clews / 1877 William St.Clair / 1878 F. Skinner / 1879 Isaac Gould 1881 Frederick J. Sampson / 1882 – 83 Philip Evans / 1885 – 87 Henry Pymm / 1888 – 89 Sarah Banwell / 1891 Henry Pymm 1891 Thomas Bradford / 1892 – 93 Charles Tuckfield / 1896 – 97 Louisa Tuckfield / 1899 – 1925 Alfred Williams / 1928 – 44 Albert Sims 1950 – 53 Edith Ann Sims / 1975 N. S. Hogan (manager) in the 1861 census Richard Trapnell is listed as a beer & lodging house keeper. The pub is still trading under the name of the ‘Famous Royal Navy Volunteer’…
31. Ellen King, vict, Bunch of Grapes (pub) 1852 – 66 William King / 1869 – 80 Ellen King / 1881 John Croome / 1882 to 1886 E. Wilkinson / 1887 – 1909 Alfred Whitaker 1914 – 17 Frederick Webb / 1921 – 35 Jane Webb / 1937 – 38 Jane Arnold / 1941 – 53 Ellen Amelia Collins / 1975 Mrs Ross-Mackenzie. The tenancy of Ellen Collins commenced on the 11th February 1941, the rent was £30 per annum and the landlords were The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited, Ellen was previously at the Star in Cock & Bottle Lane which was bombed on the 24th November 1940. The Bunch of Grapes is still trading.
36. Robert Cottom, vict, Garricks Head (pub) Next door to the Theatre Tavern, pictured during a spell when both buildings were being used as public houses. The gable to the right was the entrance to the Theatre Royal which was rebuilt in 1903, the two old pub buildings were demolished shortly afterwards.
37. John Rowden, vict Theatre Tavern (pub) Next door to the Garrick’s Head, pictured during a spell when both buildings were being used as public houses. The gable to the right was the entrance to the Theatre Royal which was rebuilt in 1903, the two old pub buildings were demolished shortly afterwards.
48. Henry Robbins, vict Britannia (pub) 1775 John King / 1826 William Knapp / 1828 R. Canton / 1831 – 33 William Turner / 1834 John Shattock / 1837 William Jenkins 1840 – 41 Robert Canter / 1842 William Butson Pearse / 1844 Thomas Brown / 1845 to 1857 Joseph Henry Packer 1858 to 1859 William Simpkin / 1860 to 1866 Joseph Vowles / 1867 James Matthews / 1868 – 69 Clara Ann Young / 1871 Henry Robbins 1872 Mrs. R. Cotton / 1873 Robert Cotton / 1874 Richard Snook / 1875 to 1876 Samuel Tutton / 1877 Robert Cotton 1878 T. Watkins / 1879 to 1882 Jane Hale / 1883 to 1885 Ellen Dilke / 1886 T. Skinner / 1887 Mary Milden 1888 – 89 Stephen Barton Perrett / 1891 Thomas Davis / 1892 – 93 John Andrews / 1896 William Riley / 1897 David Smith 1899 Frederick Hussey / 1901 – 06 William Burton / 1909 – 17 Sarah Alice Burton / 1921 Edward Smethurst / 1925 Walter Gollop 1928 – 31 Thomas Ross / 1935 – 38 Kate Elizabeth Ross. (the Britannia was bombed in the war)
44. Edmund Ball, vict Old Duke (pub) previously named the Duke’s Head, the Old Duke is still trading. 1800 George Long / 1806 Joseph Martin / 1816 Thomas Martin / 1828 Joseph Martin / 1831 – 32 Elizabeth Martin 1833 – 42 Joseph William Smith / 1844 Jane Smith / 1847 John Johns / 1848 – 61 David Thomas / 1863 Christopher Peters 1865 – 67 James Rexworthy / 1868 Richard Bodley / 1871 Edwin Sellick / 1871 to 1888 Edmund Ball / 1889 Mary Ball 1890 Emily Jane Cullen / 1891 to 1892 Alfred Leach / 1892 to 1899 William Roberts / 1900 – 06 William Sainsbury 1909 – 17 Thomas Slocombe / 1921 – 38 William Slocombe / 1944 – 53 James Jones / 1960 T. A. Davies / 1975 K. Aniol.
King Street (Old), Broadmead to Barrs Street…
King‘ Street, Coronation Road
Thomas Hutton, marine stores
Charles Vowles
H. Byrt, cooper
John Lee
Amelia Handowell, shopkeeper
William Cole, paraflin oil dealer
Isaac Stephenson, grocer
John Easter, toy dealer
Charles Forsey, boot maker
James Hyman Willey, vict, Waterloo Inn (House) (pub) 1831. James Wyatt / 1837. William Watts / 1839. Ann Watts / 1844 – 52. John White / 1856. Thomas White 1863 – 69. Samuel Wreford / 1871. James Willey / 1874 – 79. Thomas White / 1881 – 83. Hannah White / 1885 – 88. Edwin Williams 1891. Harriet Hall / 1892 – 1901. Harriet Martin / 1904. Albert Martin / 1909. Edwin Lyddon / 1911. Abraham Chapple 1914 – 28. Walter Hale.
Thomas Withey, vict, The Green Man (pub) 1853. John Rich / 1857 – 58. Catherine Phipps / 1872 – 92. Thomas Withey / 1896. Mary Ann Withey / 1899. Frederick Graddon 1901 – 04. Henry Williams.
Elizabeth Hernaman, vict, Dove (pub) 1848 – 60. William Prosser / 1863. Elizabeth Prosser / 1865 – 66. William Prosser / 1867 to 1868. William Prosser & Elizabeth Herniman 1871 – 77. Elizabeth Herniman / 1878 to 1882. Mary Dashfield / 1883 – 89. Edward Westaway / 1891 – 1925. Alfred Turner 1928. Alfred Turner (jnr).
King Street, Pennywell Road
King Street, Redcliff Crescent
King William Avenue, Queen Square
King William Court, Wine Street
King William Place, Folly Lane
King William Place, Jacob Street
King William Sreet, Pylle Hill
King William Street, North Street, Bedminster
Kings Head Court, Wine Street
King’s Parade, Whiteladies, Durdham Down
Mrs Newman, lodging house
?. Ivy house
Miss Gay, ladies’ boarding school
Sharrock Dupen
Mrs Charles Paull
Mrs Lillington
Richard William Giles
George Washington Isaacs
William and Miss Goulstone, boarding school for young gentlemen
Mrs Chamberlain ,
Miss Snelling, ladies’ boarding school
Nicholas C. Hetherington, King’s parade mews
Kingsdown Avenue, Kingsdown Parade to St Matthew’s Road
Jane Baker, china and glass dealer
George Milsom, butcher
Mrs. Cottrell, livery stables, Kingsdown mews
Kingsdown Parade, Horfield Road to Fremantle Square
William Sargent, boot maker
Mrs Charles Gardiner, Montague villa
Francis J. Ball
Miss Birtill
George Griffiths, hair dresser, etc
Mrs Mary Whitmarsh
?. Walton lodge
Thomas Barribal
Solomon Fry
Walter Baker
Miss Neat
Mrs Bryan
George Dare, confectioner
James Tamlyn, gasfitter
James Hutchinson
John Henry Reed
John Fursier
Joseph Churchill, teacher of music
Robert Oxley
Frederick Corfield
George Towells
William Palmer, bookseller
Thomas Thomas
Mark P. Stephenson
Henry Newcombe
Charles Withers
Charles Smith
John B. Halford
Richard Waites
George Arnold
Richard Ivens
Capt. Thomas Smith
William Palmer
Alfred Short
Mrs A. J. Martin
Henry Johnson
Jabez Horne
Rev. William Rouch
Frank Tricks
William Hicks
Charles L. Elliott
Edward Greenfield Doggett
Daniel Williams
?. Sugden
Rev. Robert P. Macmaster
?. Prospect house
Mrs Phillips, preparatory school
Miss Williams
Rev. Joseph Morris
Augustus Ferris Morcom
Charles Williams
Francis James Dearlove
Thomas William Dufiett
Thomas Gay
Richard Rowe
Dr. Frederick W. Grifiin
Edward Watts
Miss M. Watts, ladies’ school
Thomas Durant
Mrs Mar Ayre
George Tayler Hooper
Mrs Jane Burland
John Blackmore
Mrs Sarah Day, ladies’ school
Ann Webb
Col. William Ledlie
Mrs Bentley
Edward John Skeates
William Pickering
Charles Lennox
Rev. Joseph Philip Cohen
Miss Hannah B. Smith
Henry Wethered, Devon
Mrs Elizabeth Dibbins
Mrs Emma Wallis
Henry John Gorton
Mrs C. Fedden
Rev James W. L. Bowley
Mrs Frances Parker
John Wanklyn James
Joseph Gadd, fly proprietor
Robert Iles Hewitt
Miss Matilda Woodman, Cleeve house
John Hewitt
Robert Henry Webb
Rev. William Hazledine (Temple)
Mrs Charles Thomas Lloyd
T. H. Clark, wine hooper
Miss Hannah Baker, Prospect cottage
William Mealing, grocer & confectioner
Miss Carlile, Tancredi house
John White, vict, Booth’s Hotel (Kingsdown Wine Vaults (pub) the Kingsdown Wine Vaults has also been known as the Star, Booth’s Hotel and White’s Hotel. 1867 Peter Leach / 1868 – 69 S. J. Booth / 1871 – 77 John White / 1877 – 79 William Millman / 1882 – 1909 Emily Millman 1914 George Norman / 1917 – 21 Mary Jane Norman / 1925 Alice Jane Bayntun / 1928 – 31 Sydney Whitewood / 1933 – 44 Lionel Nash 1950 – 53 Ada Nash / 1960 V. C. Harrison / 1975 Miss E. T. Harrison. (previously occupied by Solomon Fry, bed & mattress maker)
Mrs Eliz. Ward, vict, Montague Hotel (pub) The Montague was the first house to be built in Kingsdown around 1737 and was named after the Montagues who owned the estate that included Kingsdown. The Montague was pulled down after suffering severe bomb damage in the war, the site was never rebuilt and is now the green triangle at the top of Horfield Road.
Kingsland Court, Kingsland Road, St Philips
Kingsland Road, Batch to Marsh Lane, St. Philip’s
George Packer, grocer
John Newton, grocer and tea dealer
G. Read & Co. grocers
?. Marriott, potato dealer
John Donovan, oil and color man
James S. Clifford, draper and hosier
Henry Wetton, confectioner
George Cross, beer retailer and baker
Eli Stevens, grocer
J. Winter, confectioner
Mrs Potter, chemist and druggist
Kingsland Chapel and School – Rev. W. Knox
5 Charles Palser, chemist and dentist
James Hampson, beer retailer
Charles Dolan
Edward Holder, greengrocer
B. Collins
M. Hale
J. Boulter, baker
John Brooks
James Coates, grocer
William Horner, linen draper
John Bevan, butcher
T. E. Cartwright, grocer
Alfred Player, grocer
A. R. Adams, grocer & boot maker
Edwin Jones, butcher
James Coles, beer seller
Thomas Grifiiths, vict, Royal Oak (pub) 1834. W. Cummer / 1837 – 39. William Griffiths / 1851 – 53. John Dickinson / 1861 – 63. Charlotte Dickinson 1868 – 1901. Thomas Griffiths / 1904. H. R. Adams / 1906 – 09. Edith Ellen Merrick / 1914 – 21. Bertram Brown 1925 – 28. William Morgan.
Thomas Watkins, vict, Mail Coach (Royal Mail) (pub) 1831 – 37. John Jones / 1839 – 42. Joseph Earl / 1847 – 52. George Knight / 1853 – 69. Joseph Knight / 1871 – 74. Thomas Watkins 1875 – 78. Charles Knight / 1879. Mary Knight / 1881 – 85. Joseph Knight / 1888 – 94. William Edwin Bone 1896 – 1904. Joseph Weeks / 1906. Henry Webb / 1909 – 14. George Norris / 1921. Lily Dobson / 1925. David Griffiths.
Rachel Lord, vict, King’s Head (pub) 1847 – 48. John Lord / 1849 – 53. Richard Lord / 1854 – 72. Rachael Lord / 1874. William Hall / 1875 to 1888. James Hampson 1889 to 1891. Elizabeth Hampson / 1892. William Hampson / 1896. Walter Wood / 1899. William Parker / 1901. Frederick Hillman 1904. Henry Munden.
William Bailey, vict, Glass House (pub) situated by the railway bridge close to Princess Street. 1831 – 48. Samuel Hodges (jnr) / 1853. John Cowmeadow / 1858 – 60. T. Collings / 1861. Daniel Radford / 1863 – 69. Thomas Watkins 1871 – 74. William Bailey / 1875 to 1882. Elizabeth Bailey / 1883 to 1885. Samuel Wiltshire / 1886. T. Grainge / 1887. James Stoates 1888. Sarah Ann Pollard / 1889. William Smallbridge / 1891. George Bush / 1892 to 1893. Mary Ann Clark / 1894 to 1896. Thomas Cole 1897 – 1909. Henry Llewellyn Goodyear / 1914 – 28. Emily Davis.
Murder 1897 Last evening a shocking tragedy occurred in Kingsland Road St.Philip’s. A man called Thomas Coles, of no fixed abode, but formerly landlord of the Glass House, Kingsland Road, attempted, it is alleged, to take the lives of Mr and Mrs John Withey, confectioners, of 57, Kingsland Road, and subsequently took his own life.…
Samuel Hutchings, vict, Royal Exchange (pub) Marsh Lane, Kingsland Road. 1866 – 67. Thomas Woolf / 1868 to 1869. Joseph Gazzard / 1870. Henry Wookey / 1871. Samuel Hutchings / 1872. Joseph Stokes 1874 – 79. Robert Nutt / 1885 – 91. James Dobbs / 1892 – 14. Walter Hill / 1917 – 21. Eliza Hill / 1925 – 31. Walter Hill 1935. James Peters.
Susan Barter, vict, George (pub) The George was demolished in 2009. 1828. William Kent / 1830 – 44. Jane Passmore / 1847 – 92. Susan Barter / 1894 – 96. Charles Webb / 1897 – 1901. Samuel Wilshire 1904. A. Lloyd / 1906 – 44. Robert Charles Alden / 1950 – 53. Elizabeth Alden / 1975. S. G. Brown. (in 1936, the rent paid by Robert Alden was £78 per annum (£48 house, £30 stables) the landlords were The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited).
Kingsley Road Lower Cotham Road
Charles Baker, Somerset villa
Edward William Godwin, Dunloe villa
Charles Frederick Crapp, Fairlight villa
William Dubin, Glentry villa
Alfred Merchant, Sydney villa
Joseph Whittard, Clarence villa
Mrs Edward Grevile, Vesta villa
?. Kingsley villa
F. A. Lowle, Lynton villa
Walter Norgrove, Wortley villa
Kingston Place, Seymour Place, Stapleton Road
Kingston Villas, Stuart Street, Stapleton Road
Mrs Bath
?. Stocroft
Rev. T. Richardson
Henry Jenkins, commission agent
Benjamin Poad
Kingstone Buildings. 3, Leek Lane, Milk Street
Kington Buildings, Portland St and Cothain Rd South
Kington Cottages, Portland Street, Kingsdown
Kington Place, Cotham Road South
Kington Villas, Cotham Road South
Knights Cottages, Lower College Street
Knight’s Court, Old Bread Street
Knight’s Lane, Avon Street, St. Philip’s
Knowle Park, Wells Road
(Garibaldi Terrace)
Robert Cleeve
Henry Stevens
Henry Hughes
George Hughes
Joseph Hazell
George Richards
George Shell
Samuel Hilton Lee
William Venner
Richard Nash
(Garibaldi Buildings)
Henry Williams
Louisa Tucker
Mrs Tarver, monthly nurse
Miss Tarver, milliner & dressmaker
Michael Mapstone
Thomas Dolman
George Henry Hawkins
Knowle, above Iron Chapel
(Right Hand Side)
Edward B. Harding, Firfield villa
John Frost, Burnswark cottage
School – Mistress, Miss K. Frost
Thomas Sainsbury, Mile End cottage
James Dare, gardener
J . D. King, Knowle villa
James Paten, grocer
Josiah Dimond, baker, post office
John Stroud, Kings Hill house
Thomas Purkis, plumber
?. Trott
Joseph Ball
Alfred Rose
John Harris
James Grifiiths, lime burner
Thomas Harris, Queensdale farm
(Left Hand Side)
James Smith, Clifton villa
Edward Harding, Ashton villa
William Keen, Failand villa
William Biggs, Henley villa
Prof. Henry James, Dinder villa
T. D. Foxwell
John Harris, Ivy house
James Hardwick, farmer
George Phillips, Knowle house
Mrs A. Heal
Benj. Curtis
George Wickham Hall
Thomas Watson, Victoria house
Philip Rose, Park house
John J, O’Reilly, vict, Red Lion (pub) 1853 – 63. Mrs. Mary Ball / 1877 – 83. John O’ Reilly / 1886 – 87. Henry Beavan / 1899 – 1906. Thomas Gore 1909 – 53. William Weekes / 1960. E. T. Hogg. (in 1936 the annual rent paid by William Weekes was £208 (£200 hotel, £8 adjoining cottage) this was increased to £238 in March 1938, the landlords were The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited
Michael Cotter, vict, George Inn (pub) 1853. Richard Newick / 1856. Thomas Plummer / 1863. George Cox / 1872 – 78. Michael Cotter / 1879 – 86. Margaret Cotter 1888. Philip Foxwell / 1897. Walter Putnell / 1899 – 1904. George Driver / 1914 – 31. Alfred Clark / 1934 – 38. Amelia Clark 1941 – 44. May Clark / 1950 – 60. George H. J. Hill / 1975. M. S. Gerrish. (the tenancy of May Clark commenced on the 25th of August 1941, the rent was £100 per annum and the landlords were The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited).
John Hamblet, vict, Talbot (pub) The Talbot is now a restaurant.
Knowle Road, Totterdown
Albert Daniel Morton, Knowle house
Misses Wright, ladies’ boarding school, Somerset house
George Duck, Devonshire house
Rev. David A. Doudney, D.D. Carlisle house
Martin Pollard Rowe, 1, Park house
M. A. Puddy (customs) 2, Park house
William Pearce, Berkeley villa
Rev. F. W. Monck Berkeley villa
Rev. George Wood, Berkeley villa
R. C. Bartlett, Colston villa
P. Fox, Bellevue house
William Poole, Ruysdael house
John C. Wickham, Montpelier house
George Welchman, York house
S. Joyce, Stafford house
William Norris, undertaker, 2, Claremont villas
Richard Starkey, 1, Claremont villas
William Cott, Stancombe villa
L – Bristol Street Directory 1871